Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Snowballs & Puddles

The weather lately in KC has been very OOC. On Saturday we got the most snow we have gotten all winter. It was a late March winter wonderland.

So on Sunday morning we had a 90-minute snowball fight with Nate & friends.

By Sunday afternoon the snow was non-existent and we went puddle jumping. I learned puddle jumping is very good for your core. And Nate was too cute for words in his yellow rain jacket.

It was crazy amounts of fun. And thanks to two mean snowball throwers who share the same first name, I've got a few unecessary bruises.

Friday, March 27, 2009

La Bodega

Wednesday night we celebrated the birthday of my co-worker and friend, Keri.

Kansas City has a lot of restaurants. We aren't the 4th fattest city (or something like that) in the country for no reason. La Bodega is a must. Tapas and sangria. Good stuff...

And, as an added benefit, a friend appeared and she was on a blind date! And they were sitting across from us, so we got to take secret photos to send her later. Because, who knows, it may just be a love connection!


Steve and I have been going in two different directions all week.

We both work hard for the moola (don't we all?), and then when you add nighttime festivities such as work banquets which we both had, working out, Steve prepping for upcoming meetings, me doing happy hour and spending invaluable time with my boys, Nate & Evan... it makes for very little "visually seeing each other" time.

So this weekend I am going to latch on to Steve and drive him absolutely crazy I'm sure. And I can't wait. Because not everyone has this luxury, and I know how lucky we are.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Godfather

On Saturday night, Steve and Ann asked Steve to be the Godfather of our nephew, Evan!

I wasn't in the room when they asked him, but when I walked back into the room Steve was going on about the ring he is going to get with a big "G" since he is now the Godfather.

I told him a good first step as the Godfather would be to actually touch his Godson.

But that has yet to happen.

And it probably won't happen until he awkwardly holds Evan at the baptism. I am going to take so many pictures in those 10-seconds, it's going to be like the paparazzi times 1,000.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Some Irish Hooley...

Tuesday night Steve, Steve Fortier, some of my work friends and me headed to Lew's Bar & Grill in Waldo for their St. Patrick's Day tent party.

Tuesday was in the 80's so we had no choice but to go out for St. Patrick's Day.

Yet again, Steve S. successfully dodged all photos.

My work friends and me releasing some post-work stress.

Steve Fortier definitely got his money out of this tie.

Keri, Jimbo and me. Jim works with me and plays bass in the disco band that was playing for St. Patrick's Day.

Ashley and me doing I'm not sure what on stage.

I may be 35, but I can still do the splits. Although it was hard to get down on the clean, smooth parking lot cement.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

35 is Fine...

Monday night we celebrated our birthdays!

Who knew Superman had such powerful unwrapping skills? This superhero is a fast tearer.

My Tiffany necklace that I LOVE from Steve, Ann and the boys.

My favorite KC boys and me...

As Wendy commented, I got a Tiffany necklace and my brother got a Batman t-shirt.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I have moved up to the next demographic age box.

On Monday, I turned 35 (as did my brother).


I've never had an issue with turning any age. And I think I'm good for awhile. I believe I'll love 40 because we're going on an unbelievable trip with Steve and Ann that none of them are yet aware of when we all turn 40. So 50 may be the next "issue" birthday. And that's in 15-years. I was 20 15-years ago and while it was a long time ago, it doesn't really seem like it.

It's crazy to think about! I fake cried to Steve about me being 35 last night. That didn't get me very far since Steve has been 35 for 7-months, and since he busted me on my fake crying 8-years ago.

I had a wonderful Monday birthday at work, I had lunch outside on a patio in Westport with my hubby and spent the night celebrating with my brother and family. It was truly a great day. And today is St. Patrick's Day so the festivities continue!

So far so good!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Brookside St. Patrick's Day Warm-Up Parade Party!

St. Patrick's Day in Kansas City is not taken lightly. And Saturday was the Brookside St. Patrick's Day Warm-Up Parade. The parade went by the end of our block. It's the perfect occassion to throw a party with family and friends. And party we did...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Evan Thomas

Our nephew, Evan Thomas, was born at 2:08 p.m. yesterday, 3.9.09. Evan weighs a whopping 9-lb. 12-oz. and is 20-1/2" long. He is so cute & chubby!

Like Nate, I rushed to the hospital after he was born, so I was the first relative besides his parents he met. So I'm banking on that making me "E's" (my name for him) favorite non-parental person forever.

As you can see, he is the perfect completion to Steve, Ann and Nate's family...

Monday, March 9, 2009

First Fridays

Friday night we ventured over to The Crossroads Art District to meet our friends Alex, Joe and Angie (and a couple of Alex's friends) for First Fridays.

On the first Friday of each month, local art galleries and studios are open free to the public from 6-9 p.m.

Add in a few drinks, and it's like a pub crawl with a booster shot of culture.

Friday, March 6, 2009


My Grandma Book broke her hip in two places a few days ago, and is in the hospital recovering in Florida. Please keep her in your thoughts.

I know it's life, but it's still sad to see those we love being hurt, in pain and getting older.

Steve and I are extremely fortunate to have three living grandparents who have all been able to know their great grandsons. My Grandma Book is 88, my Grandpa Book is 91 and Steve's Grandpa Bartlett is 92 (they may even be a year older than I'm writing). Amazingly, they all live at home, and my grandparents still winter in Florida.

But we also lost our other three grandparents way too early.

I lost my Grandpa Bird when I was six in June of 1981 (after 1st grade) from cancer.

I lost my Grandma Bird on March 7, 1995 from the devastating affects of Parkinson's Disease right before my 21st birthday and Spring Break in Cancun (I'll never forget going to her funeral in Shenandoah (SW Iowa) and having to drive/ride all the way to Minneapolis that afternoon/night afterwards to catch my flight).

Steve's Grandpa Seiler was gone before he was born, and his Grandma Seiler passed away when he was very young so he didn't get the chance to know them.

Steve's Grandma Bartlett sadly passed away when Steve was 22/23 years old after much time on dialysis.

(My apologies to our parents if I've gotten some of the timing wrong.)

It's saddening and maddening that they got sick so young and missed out on retirement, being snowbirds and being alive when their grandchildren got married and started having children. But, again, I know that's life and that's why each person has the responsibility to make the most of each day.

And then there is the flip side of the life cycle. We will have a new family member join the world sometime in the next three-days! And we have four other little boys in our family who will luckily be able to say they knew some of their great-grandparents.