Friday, July 23, 2010

A Celebration of 95 Years

A couple of weekends ago we got to spend three-days in northwest (Storm Lake) and northern (Algona) Iowa.

On that Sunday we got to celebrate Steve's grandpa's 95th birthday! Steve's mom, Barb, and sister, Julie, organized an extremely nice open house for Grandpa Bartlett.

Steve's grandpa has had a very rewarding life and has given much back to his community and church.

Here's our awesome family...anyone that's been around them all together know there's no other family like the Seilers. They are hilarious with each other, and we have a good time together...

Josh, Jamie and I are very lucky to have become a part of this family.

I think this was the 10th picture taken so the kids were getting a little restless.
Front Row: Grandpa Bartlett, Luke, Ty
Second Row: Josh, Julie, Barb, Jamie, Cael, Beth, Andy
Back Row: Jerry, Steve

Uncle Steve and Luke on the pogo stick.

Ty was eating ice cream at the open house ever chance he got. He sat down by multiple people he didn't know and would just make himself at home. Doesn't he have the best smile?

Cael is funny and on-the-move. As much as they try to change it, he will only call his grandma, "Barb". "Hi Barb!" "What are you doing, Barb?" So funny...

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