Friday, September 21, 2007

Plaza Art Fair

Tonight kicked off the Annual Plaza Art Fair. After work the Steve's, Nate and I headed down to the plaza. By the time we made it to the building my brother and I work in to park, Nate was saying "Daddy You're Crazy" in the cute way/language he talks. I egged him on a bit, but he was saying this for a reason. You would have thought we were some place like NYC.

We got to the plaza and we parked the stroller, got some food and beer and just watched the thousands of people (but yet, somehow, saw no art). The funniest thing was every time we let Nate out of his stroller, he started dancing like a mad man. Even when there was no music. He had the biggest smile on his face, and he was entertaining a lot of people. It was hilarious.

We then found my work friends. Nate was straight off an ice cream high, and like before, he was entertaining all of my friends. My friends thought he was the cutest thing. And he is!

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