Sunday, September 16, 2007

What Would You Do To Go Home?

It's an understatement to say we can't be too careful.

Ann and I spent our Thursday night at a women's self defense class. It was a free class ( sponsored by The Ali Kemp Foundation at the Chiefs practice field. This is obviously another woman in the photo, but Ann and I put some pretty intense moves on this "man".

Those in the KC area are all familiar with the terrible story of Ali Kemp. She was home the summer after her freshman year at K-State life guarding at a neighborhood pool when she was sexually assaulted and murdered. Her parents immediately decided to honor her memory by providing self defense skills to women around the country.

It was an amazing two hours full of hands-on-training (aka Ann and I unintentionally inflicting pain on each other), life saving tips and horrifying stories. And yet it was probably two of the most enjoyable hours for us both.

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