Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ISU at the Boulevard Brewery!

Friday night was the ISU Alumni Event at Boulevard Brewery!

We met friends there and partaked in multiple glasses of Boulevard beer. Most of the night Steve and I were drinking their new "Maibock". I don't know that it's in stores/bars yet, but it is excellent. I kept asking for a Mai-tai all night since I apparently had plugged ears, but they knew what I was talking about.

Jack Stack BBQ provided the food (& Steve somehow ended up coming home with a pack of buns) so it was a KC night all around...

Angie, Kati and me with beers on a box.

Barb and me. The Maibocks are starting to have an effect on my eyes.

Who knew Boulevard now has wine?

The "first night on the job" bartender, Barb, Kate, Lesley and me behind the bar.

Afterwards the boys went home, and some of the girls hit the new rooftop of the Bice Lounge at the Power & Light District. While not the most intelligent move to drink, wow, were those Milano martinis tasty...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Last Birthday Hoorah

Last Saturday night, over a month past March 16, we celebrated my birthday one last time. The cards have finally come off the mantle, and it's over until my half-birthday.

We celebrated with Jack and Beverly; as it was also Jack's birthday (it was much closer to Jack's birthday than mine).

My hubby grilled the best filets ever known to man, and we enjoyed great conversation outdoors with even better friends. Good times, indeed.

Unexpected Hospital Stay

Last Saturday night our 5-week old nephew, Evan, developed a very high fever.

My brother and Nate were on their first camping trip together with their neighbors, so Ann and I took sweet little Evan to urgent care at the children's hospital. He was immediately admitted to the hospital because of his young age and a series of tests were performed.

It was scary and so sad to see this little boy we all love so much this way, but the hospital was beyond wonderful. He tested positive for the rotovirus which is a common infant illness but dangerous to such young infants.

After 2-1/2 days, Ann and Evan were finally released and home where they belong.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Eight Years Ago...

Eight years ago on this date, we met!

Note: the following sentence is not PG.
We joke he was talking to some not so pure looking girls when we first saw each other across the bar.

We joke about it; but it's 100% true.

Based on the above, I'm still not sure how I got him to break away from his present company of ladies, but I am so glad I did.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hard Core

The past two nights Steve has been sporting this XXL extremely bright blue hooded sweatshirt that says 'Hard Core' in large letters where ones abs are.

Our Wednesday evening walk was full of lingering looks throughout Brookside. On Thursday evening, Uncle Steve pulled up to my brother and sister-in-law's street in the red race car and got all kinds of accolades for his threads that all of the neighborhood kids could easily fit into at once.

Not only has it been to warm for this sweatshirt and disregard the fact it makes anyone look like bright blue oompa loompa; I have a strong gut feeling this sweatshirt has officially become to key to his standard casual wardrobe.

I have been trying to take a picture but my oompa loompa is sneaky and fast!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Food Fest

The markets were closed today, so 99% of Steve's office used it as a vaca day. But not Steve Seiler...he was up and at em' and off to a meeting before I even got out of bed.

Enroute to his second meeting, he surprised me by showing up at my office with two large cinnamon rolls. One for me and one for my marketing co-worker.

And then he called me and asked me to lunch. He took me to Blue Bird Bistro. It was beyond tasty. And except for me choking when I took a bite of Steve's food (which I do on a regular basis; choking, not eating Steve's food). It was the perfect lunch together.

Steve does thoughtful things for me 24/7. So, lucky for me, it's not strange for him to do things like this. But these two things in a row within hours on a work day took the cake.

I really hope he isn't planning to break up with me...because I've got it good.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


It's a very exciting day for the Seilers, because out of 46 people, I tied for 3rd in my company's NCAA bracket pool and won (a little) money!

I like my college sports, but I don't spend a lot of (okay, none) time tracking the teams outside of the Big 12 and Big 10 throughout the basketball season.

And while I don't pick my brackets by their uniform color, I really have very little rhyme or reason for my picks. So it's only fitting and realistic that I would do so well.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sleep Stories

On Sunday night I took an entire Ambien. I rarely take these, and when I do, I take a 1/2. My stomach was really bothering me yesterday so we decided I needed assistance getting a good night sleep.

This morning when I talked to Steve on the phone, he started asking me questions and talking about conversations we had that I had no recollection of.

First, he came upstairs at 11p something and I was pushing buttons on my phone with my eyes closed. I remember putting the phone down about an hour before he came upstairs, so I'm unsure how or when I retrived it again. I told him when asked I was texting, but fortunately for others, I checked this morning, and I sent no texts last night in my Ambien fog. I guess I was sleep-texting.

And then he was telling me a story about the bike he inquired about on Craigslist last night. Clueless to that conversation. But according to Steve we had a full conversation about it.

It was craziness.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mr. Missouri

People mention towns in Missouri, and normally, I've never heard of them. This is upsetting for someone who knows everything about all 99-counties in Iowa. I sometimes feel very lost in this state I've lived in for so long.

But my husband, on the other hand, is Mr. Missouri. He's always going to towns with funny names and visiting people who I assume aren't fictional. I have no idea if these towns are North, South, East or West.

But, regardless of the direction, the only consistent thing is that 9 out of 10 times when I'm talking to him while he's driving, he comments he is going by a strip club that's in a morton building.

If there are really that many morton buildings used for non-farming/storage in this long state, this is something I've got to see. Missouri isn't called the "Show Me State" for nothing.

I bet they must really have to turn the music up when it rains or hails.