Saturday, December 15, 2007

DC Photos

Enjoy a few (small for some reason) photos from our DC excursion!

Can you see Laura waving at me?

Steve and his Star Wars buddies.

The Supreme Court and me.

The first of two photos taken from someone without the last name Seiler. We're here with the National Christmas Tree and the White House in the background.

The Capitol and us.

Grizzly vs. Steve

This part was Steve's favorite of all the Smithsonian Museums. I'm choosing not to share the bat eating the mouse picture. Like I said, it was Steve's fav...

The Washington Memorial coming out of Steve's head!

Obviously this is the Lincoln Memorial. After walking across the city and back five times, we felt every step up to the Memorial.

A quick pick from the Lincoln Memorial. This was one of two photos that another person without the last name Seiler took.

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