Sunday, November 9, 2008

Game Day

This past weekend was spent in Iowa City for the Iowa/Penn State football game with the fam. For some reason Steve decided to stay home and get ready for deer season and work on the upstairs bathroom. Mature but anyway...

For those of you who are unaware, it was quite frigid in Iowa City on Saturday (like 20 degree windchills...brr). We were all thankful for my parent's and Robinson's rockin' Jamboree RV for pre and post tailgating festivities.

And, then of course, there was the actual football game. Cold and amazing! What an upset...

Jack and Nate hangin' in their grandparent's Jamboree. They don't know how lucky they are to be the second generation in line to own this piece of equipment.

There was a surprise Hawkeye baby shower for Baby Book!

Ahh...Phil. Phil tailgating RV is next door (is that how you say it?). Anyway, two seasons ago Steve and I stayed overnight in the Jamboree in the parking lot, and we got to know Phil quite well. In fact I believe Phil and Steve have some type of ESP relationship. I don't exactly what that means but it's true. And now that they're texting buddies (and Steve does not text)...

Fans after the upset storming the field. It was freezing, numb cold but the game made it worth it!

Ann, Wendy, Patti, Erin and me post-game tailgating on the bed of the RV. Check out the sweet decor...

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