Sunday, November 23, 2008


On Friday night Steve headed up north overnight to "not find deer".

And I spent Friday night with our friends celebrating Rooster's birthday, drinking wine, drinking some other red stuff that was a bit suspect but oh so good and doing a lot of dancing (which left me with a mysterious not nice entire knee encompassing bruise).

After work Ann and Nate graciously dropped me off downtown, and I met Barb for a drink with her co-workers and then we headed to meet the gang at the Cellar Rat for a KC ISU Alumnae Wine Tasting. Saying I enjoy wine is a understatement, and I obviously love being with friends so I knew a good night was ahead of me.

Barb and I are only starting our fun for the night.

As I mentioned Friday night was Rooster's birthday! Angie and Joe brought the dessert.

The birthday boy and me. I didn't realize my eyes were already squinty. You would think at age 34-1/2 I would have the "eat dinner before drinking" thing down.

The ISU girls (and a couple KU girls) after the tasting was over but the pours were still coming.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Where are the really interesting pictures???? ha ha ha Loved the Shark Bar