Thursday, November 20, 2008

Whoo Girl

On Monday night, Ann invited us over for some tasty enchiladas. When we returned home, we had missed, "How I Met Your Mother".

Steve had a message from a friend saying he wanted to watch "How I Met Your Mother" with us. We were perplexed.

But within the first few minutes of pushing play on the DVR, we understood why. The episode was about whoo girls.

I am a whoo girl.

I whoo when I'm excited at work (along with spirit fingers), when I win a board game, when my favorite song comes on, when I'm out with my girlfriends...

Whoo is my sound.

I am a happy whoo girl with a husband who cannot make that sound come out of his mouth in a genuine way; even if both of our lives depended on it. Although it would be extremely entertaining.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw that episode and was laughing and thinking of you the whole time!
