Sunday, August 17, 2008

House Help

My parents have lived in this beautiful house the past eight years. It's the house they deserved while raising my brother and I while we sucked them dry. But the fact that they have it now makes up for that, right?

Over the past eight years, it's been learned how stunning cedar houses can be, and how much work it takes to power wash and restain it.

My dad has been working on restaining the house every night after work and every weekend all summer. He's been working non-stop. So we headed to "the set" this weekend. On Saturday Steve, my brother Steve, and Steve's brother Andy worked extremely hard. They made so much progress in a short amount of time.
That Seiler/Book combination just always seems to click... I'm a very considerate daughter to marry into such a handy family that likes to work extremely hard for my family in return for a meal and Busch Light (even when my dad buys Busch heavy).

Steve S. and Andy tackling the garage.
Steve B. staining the west side of the house.


JK Cyclone said...

Looks awesome. Are there fish in that pond?

Joe said...

wow. impressive. Let me know if those guys want to stain my cedar deck:)

Lyndsay said...

So considerate you are Beth. The house looks awesome too.